Findings on the Beast's grin Peninsula

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I kinda power-played at the end, but since he's unconscious..

Let me show you the wonders of life

Aforementioned black tail tip swatted the air mercilessly, first in elation, then in frustration, as the stranger levered himself a few inches from the ground, only to subside with a yelp. Hanna nearly pulled her hair in her stress. This man needed medical care, but he didn't even have the energy to pick himself up. Well, Hanna had always been a strong woman; she'd just do most of the work.

Hanna knelt down and carefully turned him over, then, grasping his good leg and one arm, bundled him up into a fireman's carry. Every bump would hurt, but it was the only thing she could think of. Luckily, Revian was shorter than the black-furred female; he fit rather easily against her neck and across her shoulders. Straightening up and adjusting his limp form for best balance, Hanna began the relatively short trip back to her packlands, her pace somewhere between a trot and a plodding walk.


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