Findings on the Beast's grin Peninsula
Reivan re-awoke after a few minutes of the bumpy trip to the packlands. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out this time. He breathed out a mild sigh, and hugged onto the Sapid figure as tightly as his one good arm would allow.
He lapsed back into unconsciousness after that brief, and soon found himself back on his old packlands...
He was out hunting again, and as always the males berated him on his small size and his odd fur color. So, he was forced to follow behind the hunting party. It was unusually dark for noon, especially out on the packed-ice of Greenland. Suddenly, blood was splattered across his face, and he heard a demonic "ROAR!", and turned tail to leave. Much to his terror, he was running towards the source of the earth quaking Roar, so he bolted to one side. But there was another, so he turned to find he was boxed in. He let out a whine and cowered there on the ice, the figures closing in upon him...
He awoke with a startled yelp, and a bolt. He panted heavily and seemed to find his voice right off "Water *Cough* p-please *Cough cough* ugh...." Revian went limp again and lapsed back into a peaceful, black void.

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