because I have been through hell
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lol that's fine!

Vigilante was not the only one feeling the urge to move on from this encounter. Onus was not good at social situations to begin with and once he deemed they had worn out their usefulness he would just leave. Though there was also a sort of uncomfortableness of a different sort in this particular situation. The hybrid had seemed to understand him better than many that he met, and not only that, but he had actually shown him good will. This creature actually wanted him to find happiness. The coyote had never had someone ever want that for him, except for Cwmfen. Perhaps Mati or Anu had felt the same, but he could not remember them ever expressing it so explicitly. It was strange and he found it hard to understand.

It seemed the other was ready to leave when one last question was asked. It was to be expected, he guessed. Most asked him for his name. Also, most were not given it. He had met a handful of people in these lands and perhaps only half of them knew his name. Probably even fewer than that. Most often it was easy to refuse, but for some reason the kinship that the two males had once shared made him take pause. Perhaps this man was deserving of knowing. Definitely more so than most. After a substantial pause the coyote finally spoke. "Onus." It was all he said and it was all that needed to be said. Onus had no doubt that the other understood it was a privilege to know his name and would not bandy it about.


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