waltz for venus
http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s304 ... wicked.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-bottom:185px; background-position:bottom center; background-color:#000000; text-align:justify; font-family:tahoma; font-size:11px; color:#C2A52C; line-height:16px">-Pats poor Warren.- D: I like him, even if Anselm doesn't. XD;

------Anselm subscribed to rather nihilistic beliefs, though he didn't necessarily know what to call them (or care). Given his harsh upbringing, it seemed unlikely that he'd believe in anything short of chaos. So far as he was concerned, the only priority in life was one's own survival. If that meant taking the life of another, so be it. If a situation didn't merit such force, he'd at least consider alternatives. Too many different moral codes existed for them all to be right--rather anticlimactically, he concluded that none of them were. At the end of the day, none of it really mattered, for this was all they had. Thoughts of the afterlife were the dreams of fools who could not accept that this was it.

------It was hard to say exactly what inspired the few values he held dear--perhaps he simply sought the path of least resistance. Some things seemed unacceptable on a global level (i.e. rape, senseless murder, etc.), and it was best to avoid these things lest you attract attention to yourself. In a pack such actions were even worse, for they risked the welfare of the entire group.

------The hybrid retreated a step, and Anselm closed the same amount of distance in turn. The other babbled on about fire and some kind of rock, apparently oblivious to the fact this wasn't some philosophical discussion circle. Anselm kept their distance roughly equal, though he began to move in a circle around the other, finding it very inappropriate that Warren lingered closer to the border than he. "Does it really matter what you thought?" he spoke, tone laced with impatience which was accentuated by his tail lashing behind him like a whip. The whole time he moved, he kept his eyes locked on the other's.
------Upon completing his 180 degree rotation, his hackles raised dangerously. Maybe before Warren felt cornered, but now he had nowhere to run but out and away from the coyotes' land. In his mind, he was being extremely patient--though it was always hard to say exactly when that patience might run out. If the stranger was here for some legitimate purpose, he'd do well to speak up quickly. "If you have business here, I'd suggest you state it now. And if you don't, you might want to consider hanging out somewhere else." As if his body language wasn't enough, he'd now stated his demands loud and clear. What happened next was beyond his control--it was all up to Warren.

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