stray dog strut

i welcome the sun, the clouds and rain

Warren was indeed lost. His soul had been beaten and ravaged, his mind subjected to the same torture. He had seen too much death and evil to withstand it. Now it resided in him, growing like weeds from the awful memories that kept intruding his thoughts and dreams more frequently as the long days of summer dragged on. Undetected, the darkness was taking shape, becoming something unable to be contained or controlled. It's trigger was the world around it's carrier, and he had just found himself in the heart of chaos and despair. Therefore, Warren had no hope of overcoming the thing that was lying dormant in his heart and mind. Yes, he was lost. But he did not yet know it.
So, obliviously, the gray hybrid nodded when the woman gave her name. "Pleasure to meet you," he said easily, giving a thump of his tail to validate the statement. He glanced beyond her when she named the territory: Crimson Dreams. It was a strangely resonant and regal sounding name, but Warren was still wary. He was far too paranoid for his own good.
"You could say I have business here," said the loner, smiling slightly. "I'm hoping to settle down in this area. I found a shack in the forest just north of here, and I'm in the process of fixing it up." He really hadn't got much done, honestly, but he had plans at least.


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