waiting and fading and floating away
http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a115/ ... t/rath.jpg); background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:9px; padding-left:50px; padding-right:50px; padding-bottom:306px;">
OOC: I am so sorry for the delay in all of this. I've been really slow lately and it's driving me crazy. I'm usually so prompt and quick with my responses that I feel bad whenever it takes me more than a day to reply. Curse my slowness!!

IC: Rath smiled as Ehno took a genuine interest in his work. If there was one thing that Rath liked, it was talking about his hobby and if someone was interested in it, he would likely like them as well. The ruddy hued male rested his hands on his toolbelt, a rather odd pose to look at, but it was comfortable nonetheless. His white-tufted ears were perked in interest as Ehno indicated which direction Crimson Dreams was in as well as inquired as to the proximity of Dahlia de Mai. "It's relatively closeby. I'd venture to say that we're a short walk away from one of the borders. That's why I chose to look through this area for windows. It's close to home, so I won't have to carry my findings too far," the tenor voice boomed for a moment before Rath unleashed a light-hearted laugh, envisioning himself having to carry several large panes of glass back through Wolfville, to the construction site near Colibri's house. That would have been an interesting experience, and an amusing one to watch.

___ Rath's laugh was short, as he was quickly drawn back into the conversation by Ehno's next inquiry. "No, not really. I've been working on it for about four months now, gradually gathering building materials and finding the proper tools. That's a long story that I won't bore you with. I also spent a lot of time planning it out. I've never built a greenhouse before, so it took a great deal of thought on my part about how to build one in a structurally sound, yet aesthetically appealing manner. I'm relatively pleased with how it is turning out so far," he nodded in accordance with his own words, in an attempt to emphasize his feelings. Then, Rath heard Ehno mention that he too had taken up woodworking. How wonderful! Rath was quite impressed with this male's choice of hobbies. However, when asked for advice, Rath's enthusiasm faded momentarily. He hadn't ever given advice to anyone before. He was no real expert in his profession. He only practiced what had been taught to him his whole life, short as it had been up to this point. However, he would do his best not to disappoint the budding woodwright. "Well, first things first, know your tools. Make sure you are familiar with how they feel in your hands so that you can maneuver them in just the way you want them. It takes time, but with practice it saves you from making mistakes later on. Umm...start with small projects first and then work up to bigger ones so that you can develop your own personal style. I find that the smaller objects are easier to express oneself with than the larger pieces. The first thing I ever made was a small flute about this big," Rath held up his hands about six inches apart, indicating how small the instrument had been. "Just take your time. Don't try to rush something just to get it done. Enjoy every minute of your work, because you are putting a piece of yourself into everything you make. It's your...invisible seal, I guess you could say. If you don't want to make anything that you wouldn't want your name on then take your time to make sure you make something your proud of. I...I think that's all I can think of in the way of advice. I hope somewhere in there you heard something that sounded at least somewhat inspiring," the shaggy luperci chuckled, scratching his head nervously. He wasn't sure if some of the stuff he had said made any sense, but he had tried. Hopefully Ehno would at least appreciate the effort.


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