sail me on a silver sun
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The ruddy and white-flecked male was surprised, but also intrigued by Hemming's answer to his question. A spirit guide? A physical manifestation of an animals soul? Was that even possible? Well obviously it was otherwise Dagrun would not be here sitting atop the gray male's head. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Dagrun," the male responded, nodding his head to the small bird in a gesture of greeting. If she acknowledged him he would smile, but if not then he would simply return his attention to Hemming, which he found he did anyway. "You say that these spirit guides are common in Aniwaya? I must go visit that place sometime. They sound absolutely fascinating. How long have you...known Dagrun?" the male inquired, glad that he had corrected himself. He had been about to ask how long Hemming had had Dagrun, but that might imply that he though Hemming owned Dagrun and he might risk offending the immortal spirit bird. If Dagrun was indeed an immortal she would doubtless have knowledge of several forms of retaliation for such offenses and though she was slight of form Rath did not wish to bring about her immortal anger.

At this moment, Rath found himself briefly distracted by the rain. He had not noticed how soaked his shaggy fur was until now, and he could only imagine what he must have looked like with all of that messy fur hanging down from his body in thick wet strings. His first priority after this conversation would have to be getting dry. He could head straight home, light a fire in his fireplace and spend the entire evening camped out in front of it, occasionally turning over to heat dry his fur. If there was one thing he did not like it was sleeping with soaked fur. However, that problem would have to be remedied later, much later. At the moment, Rath was enthralled by his conversation with Hemming.


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