waltz for venus
[html]Aww :p He's so dumb and awkward.

i welcome the sun, the clouds and rain

It was glaringly apparent that this red-eyed coyote was not as laid back as the woman from Crimson Dreams. Whether it was his personality or his genetics that were to blame for his defensiveness, Warren couldn't tell (although his thoughts were leading to the more prejudice side). The coyote's threatening response elicited an instant physical response in the hybrid; his ears flattened on his head, and he lowered his chin instinctively to protect his neck. He did not continue up the slope nor retreat down it, his wide blue eyes trained upon the other man now circling him slowly.
Fear did a strange thing to Warren. Instead of a rapid heart rate, jitters or lack of muscle control, he became very calm. His head suddenly became clear, like light refracting through a crystal. In his peripheral, he plotted possible escape routes and observed parts of the terrain that would be beneficial to him if push came to shove. As much as he detested it, his training ran through his very being like a computer program, but he didn't want to use it. He would steer away from that route as hard as he could.
"No business," he said, his voice level. "I was just out exploring and got sidetracked while admiring the decorations. Forgive me if I've trespassed." Warren wanted to leave with as little animosity as possible between the strangers-- if he even got to leave.


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