Ethnology and bibliography

A silver smile flickered within those white orbs, offering a quiet breath of relief. She was glad that there had been no apparent trouble since she had been absent. Brennt, then, must surely be dead, either bleeding out from the wounds she had inflicted or killed by Dawali Amara who had attempted to help her, although she had insisted that he pursue the pup-eater. "And Slay?" The last time she had seen the diamond marked male, he had been bleeding out, wearied and weak. But, in Cercelee’s care, the Adonis was sure that he had healed. The most curious thing, the woman thought, was that he had been shifted—not all the way, but shifted nonetheless. She remembered what the large male had said to her. She wondered what it all meant.

"I’m well," she replied quietly, a soft smile moving indiscernibly across her lips. There was a brief silence in which the white orbs drifted to the arms leaning against the great tree standing sentinel over her den. Soon that tree would also stand guard over the pups that would soon be born. Looking up, the black wolf shifted her weight to the left, her right leg still unwilling to endure the added weight of her womb. "I’m alive," she continued at great length. After each battle, life was something to be cherished. But after her battle with Brennt, there had been more happenings, a calamity, perhaps. "And healing." The added statement reflected upon her physical state, but her soul was healing as well. It would simply take longer, it seemed, than when a similar wound had marred her soul upon the cold fields of ice.

A long silence ensured in which the woad-marked fae was still and unmoving, simply observing the Rosea with quiet eyes. "I wanted to thank you for allowing Onus to cross the boarders," the soft melody sang at length, the white orbs almost timidly meeting the Rosea’s blue gaze. That act, and she knew that it was no simple thing because of the Lilium’s dislike of the masked vigilante, meant a great deal more than even the Adonis herself realized. "I would have thanked you earlier," the soft song continued. But she did not offer an excuse, for surely there was none. Her days had not been filled with things of great consequence. Save for the continuation of her vigilance at the boarders and with the occasional encounters with her packmates, her days were slow and, for the warrior, uncomfortably idle. While the wounds should not be pushed beyond their limits, she knew as well that if she were to allow harm to befall her, the litter within her would be harmed as well. And so her days were ‘easy’. But there had been no adamant reason for her to not seek the Rosea. Perhaps she hadn’t known the correct words to speak in return for the given gesture. Even now, the words did not seem adequate. But for one whose life was lived with action, words were found with great difficulty.


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