Can you fall asleep with a panic switch?
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WC: 446

Jacquez smacked his lips appreciatively, licking the spicy traces of meat from his claws. This city was a treasure trove, to be sure. Who would have guessed that sealed metal tins could contain food that was still edible? Humans had been gone for who knows how long, already little more than a fairy tale to the new generation of canines, but still traces of them could be found throughout the post apocalyptic territory. Being unable to read, the self-absorbed leader could not correctly identify the meal he consumed as pepperoni, but he relished the chewy texture of the dried treat, the finesse required to create such a snack. Humans must have lived as kings.

Scavenging for food like a common stray was all well and good, but how long was he to stray from his territory? Affairs should be left in Svara's capable claws, and dear Ruri had been separated from him before. She was surrounded by friends now, and she told him herself that she was happy here. It might have been careless of him to drift away for longer than expected, but... he had always been a creature who acted on impulse. His impulse now was to explore without any duties tying him down. And also to let his fractured knuckles fully heal, from when he had slugged a hole into the cabin wall. He was too impatient to try bandaging his only hand, and besides, it was just swollen and bruised and bleeding... Had Haku Soul actually been present during the briefing, the proud king would have happily busted his hand on the blue-eyed bastard's skull. As it were, the hand-built cabin took the brunt of it. And since his white-sleeved hand had all but healed by now, surely the drafty wall had been repaired as well...?

Carelessly, the tall dog swayed on his footpaws, weaving out of the old warehouse he had been perusing and out onto the cracked pavement. Rain puddles squished beneath his pawpads, the warm haze of evaporation bleeding the colours from the shadowy city. The humidity reminded the monarch of his southern home, rife with swamps and rain and sweltering heat. All he needed now was more booze... He had quaffed a dusty bottle of red wine that had been stowed in the box with the pepperoni, but that weak grape juice barely gave him any buzz. It was not the friendly looseness that he was accustomed to - it just made him need to urinate. A creaking sound ahead of him made his fringed ears snap forward - someone had entered the building in front of him. Eager for company, the one-armed man padded over the dark threshold after the silhouette, obsidian gaze peering into the gloom.


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