And What Does Fate Say?
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Oh! Sorry about that, ^=^ I went back and edited it out of my previous post, ^=^

His words did not immediately respond to her query, and they were unexpected by the black fae. She was silent for a moment, her head tilting ever so slightly as she considered the meaning of that statement. What was perhaps most unexpected was the recognition that this male seemed to have, for she had never encountered him. But the mention of Gabriel allowed the woman to consider the possibility that Gabriel had explained either the relationship that she held with Ezekiel or the rank that she held in the pack that held tensions with the clan. Whatever the cause for such recognition may have been, this male, despite his rough behavior, did not seem to show an acute hostility. "I can defy nothing that Nature creates," the soft melody with silver tones. And he seemed to watch her intently, observing her in a strange way. The woman continued to hold her own gaze, although she did not share the other’s observation. She had already gathered what she could from his appearance.

After a brief silence, the male continued, answering her query. And she listened in silence, although she did not follow his logic. "Dahlia has many members," the woman replied with that imperceptible smile moving across the woad-bound maw. "We require an extensive territory to sustain our numbers without intruding upon the lands of other packs." There was a brief pause in which those white orbs considered the large secui. "We have not encroached upon Halifax; can you not travel through the city?" There seemed to be a genuine curiosity, not an accusation, within those soft-spoken words. "Your proximity is enough to make me wonder." And then she allowed the silence to ensue. While the woad warrior held an approachable air, she did not trust in this unfamiliar luperci. There were many ways around her pack’s boarders. She did not necessarily feel as if he were required to linger within sight of Dahlia de Mai.

"You are of Inferni." It seemed to be both a question and a statement. There had been something vaguely familiar about his scent, but it was not strong enough for her to say with certainty. "And you seem to recognize me, but I do not recognize you." The quiet melody spoke with that strange formality, that formality that seemed to give respect to all creatures that she encountered. But the black fae did not ask the tattooed male how he had known her or what Gabriel de le Poer may have said, for such things were not her business to know. Her business was only to know the name of this male, and perhaps a proper introduction could be made. The warrior, while normally belligerent in nature, did not risk battle with the male who wore the secui shape. The two adults were not the only lives present, and the warrior was unwilling to risk those lives. And she understood that there were fights that were better left unfought. And this fight was one she intended to leave unfought.


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