it's like forgetting the words
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        Amata blinked and closed her eyes happily at the many kisses she was given. She whined happily back at her sister and giggled quietly. Those kisses made her feel loved, and she knew that Cambi loved her just as much as she loved Cambi. Then, she automatically gave several more kisses to Cambi before both of their attentions were turned to the very serious matter at hand.

        "I don’s knoes..." She hadn’t really thought of it before, although she didn’t know why she hadn’t considered such an obvious question. Amata tried to think of an answer, but she couldn’t come up with one. Now that she thought of it, she had never seen anything transform, except for growing flowers, of course, but that was so natural and slow that she didn’t even consider that. She didn’t even consider that she herself was growing and changing too. "Maybes Mamma and Dadda will knoes." Mamma and Dadda knew everything.

        Amata giggled loudly. "Yeahs! Leafy is much betters!" Why hadn’t she thought of that. Adding ‘bug’ at the end of the name was still the same as calling Cambi ‘wolf’, wasn’t it? Her tail expressed her happiness adequately as she looked down at the funny green cat-pill boy. "Leafy, Leafy, Leafy!" The little girl sung the name loudly to the ceiling, as if the blank ceiling needed to know but wasn’t able to hear normal talking because it was so far away. "Leafy, Leafy, Leafy!" Now she sang it to the little bug, her mouth lowered close the ground as if the bug couldn’t hear the normal talking because it was so low to the ground. When Amata was sure that the bug could hear the name, she rose and look back to her sister. "Yous hasta teaches him his name," she explained. That way he would know who he was. How else would he know who he was? That was a strange thought, and a thought that quickly flew out of her brain, like a bee that was moving on to the next flower.

        "Where’s you gonna keeps him?" Leafy was small, so he didn’t need an entire room. But he needed a home to stay in too, now that he was a friend. Leafy was like a packmember that wasn’t a wolf, but he could still be accommodated. Amata looked around the room as if the perfect place would pop up, but nothing caught her attention. She looked back to Cambi. Cambi would know.


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