Listen to the rain
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Still waters run deep

ooc: Sorry, short post. My brain does not want to work this morning

Ruri listened to Faler expressing her frustration over the current situation. Admittedly the delicate collie girl didn't like it much either, but she would attempt to make the best of things. As such, the slate and ivory girl did her best to force her jaws to stop chattering so that she could speak clearly. "We w-welcome visitors in our lands...s-so long as they treat the inhabitants with r-respect. I-I'm sorry your visit was on a day with such p-poor weather." The lautari did her best to show that she was deeply sorry for the circumstances of Faler's visit. These packlands were a truly wondrous place to explore, even for a blind girl, when they were not soaking wet with rain. Hopefully Faler's impression of these lands would not be tainted by this ill weather. That would be most unfortunate.

Feeling that the silence might only serve to hurt the situation further, Ruri quickly thought up of some sort of conversational topic to keep the talking going. "Where are you from Faler? Is your pack nearby?" she questioned, doing her best to sit up straight and look in the woman's general direction. Hopefully a good conversation would take both of their minds off of the chilly, wet atmosphere. At least, that had been part of the idea anyway.


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