The Finishing Touches
I thought it was good!

Cwmfen was silent as he spoke, a smile showing only in her gaze. He was modest as well, and respectful too. Not many had such formality, although such a thing did not mean arrogance and disrespect. Henratha simply seemed more willing to express such qualities openly. But she wondered what the phrase ‘someone like you’ meant. Who was someone like her? The woad-marked fae did not quite understand the implications of his words, but she did not question him for she did not think that he meant anything of an ill nature. When he voiced his hopes for the success of his structure, the woman nodded. It would be trying for him, no doubt, should the fruits of his efforts fail. But, nonetheless, such a thing would allow room for improvement. Was it not the same with the failures of her efforts? If not for the mercy of the gods and of the Fates, if not for the appearances of those who had spirited her from those that sought her life, she would have been dead.

The woad bound ears flickered at the familiar phrase and she turned to look at him, considering the large male. It was not the first time that one had voiced such a fear. Anu, too, had wondered if Colibri Haki had been avoiding her, and her voice had carried the same tentative question. The black fae was silent, wondering what such a thing could mean. Perhaps both Anu and Henratha were simply ‘very good friends’ with Colibri Haki, or perhaps...perhaps there was something more. "I do not think that she would avoid you intentionally," the soft melody offered at great length. "Perhaps, if you wish to see her, you can seek her yourself." At times, to simply wait accomplished nothing. But Henratha had been busy building the strange edifice called a ‘greenhouse’, and such tasks required one’s full attention. Perhaps Colibri, as well, had been busy with her own tasks, or perhaps she had gone to visit Anu at Crimson Dreams. But whatever the case may have been, the black fae knew that the girl would come to see what had been built for her. A soft but indiscernible smile moved across her quiet lips. "She will come," she reassured him.

"I think that you are right," the woman agreed, turning her gaze back to the carving upon the door. Although the black female could not read, she could appreciate the efforts that went into creating such carvings in wood. And the woodworker himself appreciated his work. Her white orbs watched as the ruddy-hued male touched the door with a surprisingly gentle touch. "They are beautiful."

Cwmfen turned fully about, facing him as he made his offer. Her head tilted ever so slightly in question, for she did not know what a rocking chair was or what it was used for. And the black fae was about to voice such a question when the male continued, offering an explanation. A rocking chair, she supposed, had a self explanatory name. She wondered if it were a practical thing to have, and wondered if pups truly had trouble sleeping. But the warrior did not know, and she had not considered such a thing, content that she would know when it was required for her to know. A soft mirth flickered in those white orbs as he stuttered at the mention of her litter yet to be born. "Do you think that I will need one?" the soft melody asked with a sincere curiosity. The woad-bound fae did not know what was required of a luperci mother—and it was a mother, now, that she would be. "I don’t want to trouble you," the woman continued, and it was always the last thing that she wished upon her packmates. "I would not know where to put a chair." Her den was most definitely not large enough to accommodate human things; getting her Spear in and out of the den had been a feat, one that eventually became impractical. And she did not want him to waste his work on her, for she knew that wood did not keep well in the constant weather. "I don’t even know how to use one," she admitted quietly, her gaze growing tentative. She did not think that she had even utilized a normal chair before, for this optime shape had never been worn as often as her birth shape.


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