good morning, mr miller!
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        Amata found that she had been holding her breath, and not discretely either. Her cheeks puffed out a bit as she looked up at B’ook-lin. It wasn’t as if the young girl were afraid that the older wolf would hurt her, but the nervousness that came with the memory of the angry departure at the pack meeting caused her to hold her breath. And so, as B’ook-lin knelt and Amata realized that she had been holding her breath, a little sigh was released as she smiled at the older girl. The soft petting that she was given was soft and nice, and she liked that it was not angry but happy and kind. "Thanks, B’ook-lin!" she exclaimed, her little tail wagging to epmphasize her relief. "They was very, very scary!" The blue and green eyes turned to look past the other and out into the rainy world, and she considered the dark clouds with an almost comical solemn. After she had looked at the angry clouds, the creamy pup turned back to B’ook-lin. "I’s feels better nows," she affirmed with a smile. It was better to have someone to protect you than to be scared by yourself. That was always better.

        "Hunting!" she exclaimed. Amata had been practicing her quiet-walk ever since she had found out that Air-es could hunt. And even though Air-es was mean and hurt her (although her shoulder felt much better now), she was still amazed, and so she practiced. But, "Nos, I’s never gone hunting afores." Well, she had gone chasing after rabbits, but all of them had gotten away. Maybe it was because Amata had not really taken her hunting attempts seriously, seeking only to play even with the rabbits. It was fun to run as fast as one could and feel the wind rushing through her ears and pushing on her nose and feel the grass tickle her sides and tummy. And the little girl was concerned only with having fun. For now, she was content with still relying upon the adults to hunt for her. But she still wanted to learn. If mean Air-es could do it, then she could do it to.

        As B’ook-lin suddenly began to shift, Amata watched with silent awe, her little mouth making a little ‘o’. She wanted to know how to do that too, but to shift, she would have to be older, she heard. Amata wondered if this was fun too, and she wondered what it felt like. But the greatest thing that she looked forward to was to learn how to catch butterflies with Mamma. She had been looking forward to that for a long time now. Nevertheless, this process of shifting that occurred before her eyes was amazing too, and so the white pup watched in silence. Once the shift was done, B’ook-lin looked like her: walking on four legs. The Sadira pup giggled quietly when she was nudged, and she looked up at the older wolf. "Is I’s going hunting with yous?" she asked excitedly. That would be fun—maybe she could catch something!


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