Crossing the Frame
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Her night patrol had been a good idea after all--look what she had found! She bared her teeth at the foreign male as his scent reached her nose. How dare anyone come this far into their territory without permission! And the rope around Bayard's neck really topped things off. Out of all the ones he could have taken he was going to run off with her horse? It wasn't that the other horses weren't important as well...they were. But Bayard was hers. She spoke quietly to the horse at first, asking him to try and run in the language of the lower beasts. She would catch up with him later.

She crossed her arms, still glaring. He wasn't going to get out of it now by lying, it was no use. "Stop lying." She demanded. "It's obvious from your actions--a rope around an Aniwayan horse's neck?" She examined him in the darkness, as well as she could. There was something familiar about him, but his scent was so far off from what she remembered that she didn't recognize him.


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