i won't be saved
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/ ... _table.jpg); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
I am jealous of your posting from work ability! XD I don't get as much free time this summer as I had last summer, haha. 275 words

Sofia was focusing so intensely on determining how long the swim from here to there would take that the other wolf quite snuck up on her. She was visibly startled, slightly, but the pattering of her heart slowed back to a normal pace on quick inspection of the one who spoke. The other wolf was a female, and well, a wolf. As interesting as it had been to meet a couple coyotes, to investigate that side of her ancestry... Well, her latter encounter had not been as pleasant as the former and there was just something comforting about being back on familiar ground, with a familiar sort of canine. "Yeah.." Sofia said vaguely, glancing back at the water again. "I'm trying to figure out if that island is reachable, even with this high tide."

She paused, considering a bit further; she was never one to make rash decisions. She was a pretty strong swimmer, and it wasn't that far away... "Do you want to try and swim to it, with me? It could be an adventure!" Her voice simultaneously revealed a juvenile eagerness and a strange sense of wonder and amazement not often found in adults. It was the awe of a puppy, seeing a bright butterfly for the first time, or experiencing it's first snowfall. An appreciation that generally wore off over time, with age, that had managed to creep it's way back into Sofia's eyes and voice. It was probably dragged up from wherever those things go to retire by her sense of impending death, and it juxtaposed strangely with the very adult, careful and rational determination if the swim was something realistic.

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