and don't forget to breathe.

WC: 565
Yes, and certainly! C:

Restless energy coursed his veins, hot as the blood it traced through, undeniable and fierce. Things were more peaceful here than he had anticipated. He had not been in a fight in too long, had not gotten laid in even longer. It was unacceptable to the fast-paced monarch. He needed something, some way to fulfill the wanderlust that kept spilling over. His packmates and followers did not seem to understand this, not really... they mewled for him to return, to lead and protect them, to act like a leader. He had chosen a co-leader for that reason, but she was gone now, perhaps never to return. That still irked him, too... He had trusted her with his judgment, but she ended up as flighty and unreliable as he himself was.

Jacquez Trouillefou found himself standing by the ocean, the ever-turbulent sea which he loved so dearly. The fresh salty water lapped at his footpaws with every ebb of the tide, tugging and teasing at his feathery fur before receding back from the sand. There was an island out there, a dark inviting smudge on the horizon. If he had a boat, he would have explored it already. As it were, the one-armed man eyed it impudently until he could resist no longer. Something was calling to him there - perhaps fate had a surprise in store, should he reach the mystery isle. Immediately latching onto that vague idea, the king flashed a resolute grin, digging his long claws into a shank of driftwood and dragging it back to the deep blue from whence it came. He swung his long leg over one side, mounting it like a horse, and kicked off, letting the gentle current of the bay rock him as he journeyed forth.

A grey drizzle had him soaked by the time the log ground up against the shore. The collie hybrid shook himself vigorously, peeling the damp brown hair of his mane from where it was plastered against his neck, tying it up with a small strip of deerhide that he kept on his wrist. It was colder outside than he liked, but there was still a new place to explore - and that made everything worthwhile! A secluded forest loomed above him, and he bared his teeth in a wicked smile, plunging in.

So far, though, he had not encountered anything that he found intriguing, and after several moments of clawing past tree after tree, his enthusiasm began slipping. Maybe no one else had the gumption to visit this place. Maybe he was the only one who'd ever pulled it off before. Snorting with derision, the tall Optime peered around the slippery base of a pine tree, folded ears flicking forward to catch a sound. There were at least wild animals about, he assumed, hearing a scuffling echo from the dank mouth of a cave. "It would do well to get out of this infernal rain," he muttered under his breath, wringing rainwater from his sodden tail. His majestic appearance was best suited to bright sunlight, where he could glitter and sparkle and preen. Nighttime and rain were two of his less appealing status conditions. Goodness knows what he would feel like during winter - the man had never seen a snowflake in his life. Without further ado, the one-armed canine stooped through the cave entrance, obsidian eyes shining through the gloom.


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