remember when it rained
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i welcome the sun, the clouds and rain

Warren appraised the woman as she drew nearer to the porch. The hybrid appreciated the propriety in her approach, but wouldn't have welcomed her less if she had barged right up there and sat down without being invited. Blue eyes alighted momentarily upon each of her scars, finally resting upon the ones across her muzzle. Scars could indicate numerous things—belligerence, misfortune, weakness, endurance—but Warren held the opinion that no one should judge at first glance. This was a slightly hypocritical way of thinking, considering his phobia of his species smaller cousin.
Smiling, the gray gentleman extended his hand to her. "Pleased to meet you both," he said to the woman and the bird. "My name is Warren. Our other friend hasn't given us his name yet." At this he turned with a grin to the other gray man, who had remained silent for most of the exchange.


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