good morning, mr miller!

OOC: 400+

The sincerity in the puppy's voice made her heart twist and for a moment, she imagined Amata'a sister, Cambria, overcome by the effects of drugs. She had never taken any, except for that drinking binge with Haven, which had left her dry-heaving halfway through the morning, but from the way the meeting had gone, she understood enough to draw her own conclusions. The meeting with her mother had only reinforced those ideas: Naniko was a shell, a ghost of who she had been before. The damage to Cambria's young mind could only be imagined and she felt sad to think of the child that way. It's okay, Amata. I'm bigger than you and your sister and brother. If... If they need protecting, I can be there for you, don't worry. She was happy to see herself handling this so maturely. Brooklyn wanted to feel less torn about her loyalties: on the one hand, she loved Naniko still and wanted her to come back, but on the other hand, Crimson Dreams was her home and Mati was right that the puppies were the responsibility of the entire pack, not just their parents.

Well, I reckon you're old enough to start learning. Before you know it, you'll be shifting and you need to know how to hunt! Brooklyn said with a smile. She could remember how quickly time had gone by, how once she had been a wide-eyed child bugging Dawali for feathers and asking about weaving and now she was an adult, or close to it, assuming responsibilities. Taking care of puppies. Showing them how to hunt. She smiled even broader at Amata's look of surprise. She'd been like that about shifting, even if now she considered it second-nature. It looks cool, doesn't it? And yes, you're coming hunting with me. We'll start with small things, like rabbits. I know a place where it's easier to catch them. Amata, have you ever seen an animal being killed? Brooklyn didn't want to be the bearer of horrible sights. Some puppies might not like killing bunnies, because in her mind, she would be the one to drive the animal towards Amata and the cream pup would deal the final blow.

With a jump, she was off the porch and into the rain, where she let the water soak into her coat. It was chilly, but welcoming to feel. With a wag of her tail, Brooklyn turned towards Amata. If the girl decided to stay behind, she would not insist. Hunting small game could be easily achieved alone, but she would never force anyone to do something against their will.


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