A signal of trust
http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p292 ... il_140.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Is it ok for me to PP her moving him/picking him up?

"I guess if you were defending a friend..." She mumbled. "But still. We've got warriors here for a reason. If you even think something might be coming up, you should come to me. Maybe there will be some way I could help." He was only one wolf, and no matter how strong or brave he was there would eventually come a battle that he would not be able to win without help. This one had almost been that way. Ember's frown didn't go away at the news that the bad creature had been taken care of; she couldn't believe that she hadn't known that Oceane and Noir had been attacked.

Ember stood back with a sigh. There was nothing that she could do now, and Dawali needed to be back at home so that he could rest. She leaned down to pick him up once more, putting whatever herbs were leftover back into his pouch before she lifted him up. "I'll take you home so you can get some sleep and start healing. I can go hunt in the morning, and bring you some food until you're well." She began to walk.


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