teach them all how they can dance
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... table_.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
501 words

Cambria was by his side in an instant. As soon as she began to shake, Gotham hunched his shoulders up to his ears as if that would somehow protect him, and let out a little howl of laughter. The heavy drops that his sister was shaking off plopped on his nose and his forehead from every which-way, and felt almost like they were tickling him. Once she stopped moving, the boy responded by shaking his own body. It seemed like most of the rain had already dripped out of his pelt, but there was still enough of it to form little pellets. That would show her!

He nodded vigorously when she agreed, feeling a little victorious that they had outsmarted the rain. It was so big, but the two little puppies had still managed to escape it! Cambria voiced her concern about the monsters, and Gotham turned his pair of bright blue eyes toward her. He hadn't quite meant what he had said in that way, but come to think of it, there probably were monsters out in the rain! His sister seemed a little worried, though, and given the sadness she had been feeling Gotham didn't want to make it worse. In fact, he wanted to make it the opposite of worse. The logistics of this plan were a little beyond what the pup was capable of so far, but he tried his best.

"Um, yes! Buhhht, iiiiif yooooooou," he crooned, extending the words to give himself more time to figure out what to say next before coming to an epiphany and returning to normal speech, "are smarts, thens they cannat get you! And, we are smarts, so they canna get us!" He finished with a flourish of his wagging tail, satisfied with the explanation he had spun. As he described these monsters, they were beginning to be more and more real to him, too, and he found himself inventing mythologies to go along with the monsters.

All of a sudden, he remembered that he had been curious about what was further in the cave. With a little hop, he cried out, "Let's go on an exploring back here!" He turned, and took a few steps into the dim crevice. He wouldn't admit it, but the dark frightened the boy a bit. Gotham hesitated a moment to make sure his sister was at his side. If she didn't want to go in there, he would have to make up a good excuse not to go, too. If I leave you alones, then the rain monsters might get you! That one sounded kind of like he was calling her dumb, and he wanted to be very nice to his sister so that she would be nice to him. Also, Gotham knew that lies were bad and so saying something like that would be mean and bad, which was probably the worst that someone could be! He took another trepid step, hoping that he wouldn't have to think of a good excuse.


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