We are children with chemicals

Everything seemed very slow to her, every seemed so quite now as she stood still before the much larger wolf ahead of her. Every second seemed to be a minutes, every minute felt like hours as the two stood still. Each breath moved her chest silently beneath her soft, tanny, coat that covered every inch of her. Though in the stillness of the forest her lungs filled with the scent of the stranger, as well the chill of the threating rain that hid behind the clouds above them. 'this is awkard..'

Watching the male seemed to buckle whenever he noticed her, though he was large he seemed more defensless then her. Though the tanned woman never views herself as defenseless, as long as she can use her jaws she has her weapons. For a small moment Faler was confused when he tried to give her a small smile, she simple looked pass that as her bi-colored eyes looked him over. It wasn't that hard tp see his problem. Food, he was as weak as a twig and his body showed it when he moved to lean against the tree.

Time seemed to get back to normal. Faler's tanned body moved a few feet forward before stopping, her fluffy tail moved for a moment behind her while her long lashes blinked slowly. Though the slight interest that was building in her was put aside when he rose, her sandy head pulled back slightly at the man's movements. What is she to do now? Faler has no ties to him so why the in hell is she still standing here for? Simple, because he is different and strange an strange things are interesting. When you learn about strange things you know what to do.

Sniffing at the air again her ears fanned foward when he finally spoke, his shakey voice made Faler's brow push together for a moment. Well she was not surpirsed that he was hungry, though when she was about to make up her mind to leave her eyes locked on his body movement. Everything that he showed snapped into her mind the way things were before, when she ran her father's pack. Those were the feelings that was hardest for her to deny. Stepping forward Faler scanned him over quickly then looked straight into his own eyes, why she was doing this she had no fucking idea."you need to get to shelter first, rain is coming."Pausing Faler's strong but smooth voice left her throat as she finally glanced to the woods before back to the male. "come on, food is after that".


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