The Magical Forest
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"Oceane is you’s sister?" the little girl exclaimed. She bounced up and down. How exciting it was to meet everyone who was related! Even though she had met only the two sisters like this, it seemed like a lot of wolves to Amata, and so she found that the world was very nice to let them all meet each other. "We’s meetin’ everyone’s sister!" She giggled, rolling over on her back before coming back to stand up in front of nice No-war, her tail wagging and her rump wagging with it. "I’s was goin’ to goes to meet Oceane and her sisters and brother," Amata said suddenly as if she were answering some unspoken question. "But yous camed first, so now I knows yous first!" And Amata was very glad that they were friends now. That meant that Oceane and Amata and Cabi and No-war were all friends! And if the other wolves were nice, then they could play together too, and so could Got’am! It would be so much fun to play, much more fun than playing alone. "Yes, we’s bestest friends now." And now they were. Officially.

Now that the official business had been handled, the creamy hued pup turned her attention back to Bab-eduk. "Bab-eduk is yous baby’s name?" That was a strange name for a baby, but the girl supposed that Amata and No-war and An‘Waya were strange names too—everyone name are strange, she concluded cheerfully. But then, what No-War said next didn’t make sense. "Yous are a mommy?!" How incredulous that seemed to the pup, and her head was tilted at an extreme angle as she tried to reason it through. "And... and yous not too small to be a mommy?" Maybe No-war was just barely old enough to be a mommy, but Amata didn’t think so. In her mind, only adults had babies. "And... and Bab-eduk is a it?" It was strange that Bab-duk was referred to as ‘it’ too, because she thought that there were only boy and girl babies. Amata grew very curious, and she wanted to know what this it Bab-duk, baby of No-war, looked like.

The creamy pup watched briefly as the tan girl sniffed herself, and Amata wanted to sniff her too. But the smell of the white flower stole away all of her attention. Amata gasped when No-war almost stepped on the pretty white flower, but then she sighed with relief when the older girl didn’t. "That was a close one!" she exclaimed. As she continued to sniff at the pretty smell, another nose bumped into hers. She giggled happily—how funny! "It does! It does!" Amata exclaimed, rising up to smile happily, her pink tongue lolling out as she continued to giggle. Amata wasn’t surprised when she heard that Cambi had been chasing butterflies with No-war. Cambi and Amata loved butterflies! But she was surprised about them drinking the flower juice. "How does yous drinks flower juice?" She wanted to know too because it sounded very fun and yummy. But she wasn’t sad that Cambi hadn’t told her—in fact, the very thought never crossed her mind.

"Yes, I’s like flowers a lots! And butterflies and birds and sticks too!" Amata wagged her tail happily. "Cans I’s smell yous?" she asked suddenly, but the curiosity of her friend’s scent was far too much, and she couldn’t wait for an answer. So the little girl jumped up, pressing her nose against the same place that No-war had, sniffing noisily as she buried her nose deeply into her friend’s fur. "Yous smells pretty, too!" And she continued to sniff her, dragging her nose through the fur as she took several steps to the side.


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