good morning, mr miller!
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"Thanks yous, B’ook-lin!" Amata exclaimed, truly thankful for the older girl’s offer. Jumping up, a pink tongue stuck up to lick B’ook-lin on the chin. But Amata didn’t know if they would need so much protection—people weren’t mean, were they? And if they were mean, Mamma took care of them. But what if there were other mean people, mean people like Tok-yo Chance? Well, then Amata would like to have someone to help her, because she didn’t think that being mean in return would do much good. Nopes, she thought to herself.

"Yeahs," she answered, her voice still quiet with awe. Several nods ensued to further emphasize her thoughts. How longs untils I’s changes likes that, toos? How long indeed. Her tail began to wag happily as B’ook-lin continued. "Reallys? I gets to goes with yous?" The light-hued pup began to bounce around, forgetting that the clouds had ever been scary, yipping twice with her excitement. "Thanks yous for takin’ me!" And she wanted to know where this place was. Then maybe she could go by herself occasionally and practice. "Nos," the girl replied matter-of-factly, "I’s not sees aminals bes killed." Such a thing had never really occurred to the little wolf. She knew that the adult wolves went hunting and that they returned with the dead food that tasted good. The freshly dead food never made the little girl queasy—she still thought that they were cute and had soft fur. And those lupine instincts that were still very strong in the young mind did not think that it was gross or sad. Even now, having answered the question and even with her mind addressing the issue of actually killing the prey, the little girl did not worry. But the fact that she had never caught her own prey still stood to be tested.

As B’ook-lin jumped into the rain and off the porch, Amata quickly followed. Her little claws forgot about being quiet and scraped against the wood. With a wild leap, the girl flew from the porch, but she simply fell on the ground, splashing in the rain water and the mud. The creamy girl let out a soft squeak and got up, shaking herself off. The blue and green eyes looked down at her dirty paws, and her dirty fur for that matter, before looking up to B’ook-lin and smiling. Giggling, she ran off after the older girl. "I felled downs," she explained with a laugh. "I’’s really excited to learn hunting," she continued with endless chatter. "One boy, him names was Air-es Chance, and he is mean and pushed and bit me, so mamma told him no. But he are cool and can hunts, so I’s wants to learns hows to hunts toos." Content with her explanation, the little girl began to prance alongside the older girl, swinging her head from side to side as she began to sing one of her tuneless songs.


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