baby, i'm back

It was ironic in many ways. Two and a half years ago, he had found himself on these same borders facing a mother with no memory of him. And now, though that mother was long gone and he didn't really believe that he'd ever see her again, her sister had found her way back here and he was facing her without really being able to recall when exactly they had met and what words had been exchanged. There were walls in his past and though he wasn't quite sure who had put them there, he had no real desire to there them down. There was nothing back there for him anymore.

So in a way, he wasn't really remorseful for not remembering. The important things he could relearn and meet again and hopefully, everything else would stay where it was and he just wouldn't disturb it anymore. Still, he knew what it was like to be forgotten. He had forgiven Colibri a long time ago, but still did not consider her his mother and thus, did not consider her part of his family (hell, he didn't even really consider his actual family his family), but if the woman still thought of him as a nephew, then he wasn't going to argue it. It didn't matter what the exact titles were and it probably never had.

Sorry, he told her sincerely, though his voice was still rough and stale, like he wasn't really used to using it anymore. In any case, the wolfess was unlikely to find him singing any time soon. It's been a while, the hybrid continued, A lot's happened. Are you looking to stay?


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