crash and burn

They were stale, these feelings, these thoughts. Every path open to him he had been down twice before and even the weather offered nothing new or interesting to distract him. Snow reminded him of hushed whispers and sweet nothings; sunshine reminded him of the only glowing eye that was left. Thunderstorms reminded him of rocky cliffs, the furthest away in his memories. He gravitated towards the church because it was different, because it belonged to someone other than himself and was thus filled with someone else's thoughts and someone else's sorrows. Someone else's problems. It was always easier to be the one looking in, wasn't it?

Rather suddenly, the rain stopped spearing against his head and rather suddenly, he saw the mess of blond dreadlocks and the glint of a silver blade. It was strange, how quickly and impulsively his body moved forward, how it immediately knew what it was going to do even when his mind was miles behind. He had been the one gripping the handle of something sharp so many times; he had been coaxed out of it and stopped so many times. When had he ever thought he would be the one doing the stopping?

The tawny hybrid collided with the wolf roughly and haphazardly, knocking the knife away just as he brought the both of them to the ground. What are you doing!? He didn't recognize it as his own voice speaking or shaking and his thoughts were still stalled somewhere in the back of his head. Maybe they were both barking mad, but Ahren had always seemed in control, had always had reasonable words. The empty awkwardness he had been left with their last encounter was gone and all he could wonder was why.


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