Word count: 347

Mew listened to her aunt's tale with a grave face, nodding every now and then to signalize that she paid attention and such. These movements were not conscious, but her body language acting on its own accord. She sad still, like a schoolgirl on the grass, hands folded in her lap. She was not happy to see this happening to her aunt, and she could not understand Haku's actions. Either way, the tale told her nothing new on her brother, nothing of his behavior, and so she could not justify or find the reason behind his actions either. It was annoying, in a way, but she would not voice it to Hanna, nor inquire further. It didn't suit her to be curious. And besides, Hanna had probably told the parts she wanted to tell, and if there was something she left out then it was probably for a reason. Mew did not want to impose, but that didn't mean that her brother's actions ceased to be a mystery.

........Sighing with disappointment, the ivory woman's face mirrored that feeling. It was true that she had not known that her aunt resided close by her own packlands, but now that she was back she was sad to discover that she was forced to live elsewhere. And for reasons unknown. Had her relationship with her brother been stronger she would have demanded he apologize, but she could and would not. He was Lilium, and she was far below that, having been stripped of her place in the council as well. Her green eyes sought out her aunt's as she spoke, face in apologetic folds.

........"So.. what will you do now? Live somewhere else? I want to know so I can visit you, since you can't come to our territory."

........She sincerely hoped that she would not leave completely. Too many of her close relatives were scattered everywhere, and so many in places unknown. Melisande, Colibri..., hell, she'd never even met her own father. No, Hanna had to stay, she didn't want to wave goodbye to another part of her heart.

Table by Sace/Hemming. Thanks! Big Grin

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