Take me to Neverland
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500+ I replied, happy now?!

Delicate fingers grazed the dusty vanity, swirling around the occasional object here and there. It was the first time in months she’d allowed herself to set paw in Kol’s room, the only bedroom located on the bottom floor. She’d deliberately kept the door locked until now, mostly to keep the kids away from her former roommate’s belongings. Doing so also helped Alexey forget the heartache that accompanied her best friend’s departure. Tonight, she felt particularly nostalgic. Drey had gone missing again. The Acer had partly expected it though; both he and Kol came and went as they pleased. Next time, should there ever be a next time; she had every intention of turning him away. He would not be given the opportunity to rejoin Dahlia de Mai unless of course, the leaders thought otherwise.

Emwe had gone up to his room shortly after dinner. The pudgy child normally waited for his brother to come home before going to bed, but it seemed as though he’d unwillingly fallen asleep before then. That’s when the Caregiver had taken the opportunity to infiltrate the unclaimed bedroom. Her reverie was interrupted by her protégé’s return, Alco scampering into the living room, and the pup’s loud announcement as he trampled up the stairs. Beige-colored ears perked up, twitching with every footstep resonating through the ceiling. At first, she’d feared that Emwe would be awakened by the sudden commotion. Alexey held her breath for several moments until silence reigned once more. Alco was now at her feet, staring up at the Caregiver with those beady little eyes. He too, was growing up a little too fast.

Honey-hued eyes swept over the room once more as she stepped out and closed the door behind her. They would need to find a new cottage elsewhere, away from these haunting memories. Either tomorrow or the day after, the Koios girl would take the boys house hunting in Wolfville. Alco retreated to the living room once more, claiming the sofa as his cot. Lexey, on the other hand, retired to her room after making sure to lock the front door. One could never be too careful, especially with a crazy Lilium roaming the lands at night.

It did not take long to locate the sleeping form of Conor Soul, curled up oh-so peacefully on one side of the bed. The Caregiver sat on the mattress, hesitating a good moment before reaching out to stroke the boy’s back. They needed to talk. And although this conversation could’ve waited until morning, Alexey did not want Emwe to hear what she had to say. “Conor, wake up.” she whispered urgently. He was well on his way to becoming a young adult. It was time to instill boundaries while she still could: they couldn’t sleep in the same bed anymore. Even Emwe, as naïve as he was, found their sleeping habits rather suspicious. In most societies, a grown woman sharing her bed with an adolescent boy was frowned upon. Their pack was no different.


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