Crossing the Rubicon

Heath had met a few from the pack before even thinking of joining it, both leaders and Haven he had known before they even formed. Of course there was Ruri, sightless and strangely in his heart and mind when ever thoughts seemed to run away from him. He had known them, befriended them and still it wasn’t until the mare that blocked his path had led him to the borders that Heath decided that one place, a home was what he needed. It would be nice to meet more that called this land home, and he was eager to know her. Even if he didn’t outright show it.

She was startled by Lumière’s stance, the reaction that the mare was looking for. Heath could tell she was smiling inside, pleased that she might have kept the female at bay. Heath frowned, whispering his native tongue in her ear, a warning and a plea to calm and be nice. He walked past her, knowing nothing would come from her threats and approached as the blue eyed female. “Heath.” He spoke simply, and then with he let his voice become sincere. “I apologize, she can be protective over her property.” he gave a small laugh. He had never wanted to be owned by anything, but the mare seemed to think otherwise.


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