You would cry too if it happened to you
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The scenery seemed relatively tranquil to the Lykoi girl. A light breath from a lurking headache taunted her nonchalantly, but she knew of its origin. Spending too much inside the house and in dim light, it did that to her. Those days had been spent sulking in that dark room. Kaena’s tooth had not been prepared either. Halo had it lying in the closet where Siobhan had kept her clothes when the Lykoi girl had first occupied the room. The hybrid picked it up and looked at it sometimes, investigating it repeatedly without getting tired of the lack of some new discovery about the lonely tooth. It was definitely canine and one of Kaena Lykoi’s enemies. Halo too wanted a necklace with a victim’s tooth hanging. Victims’ teeth.

Those ruby orbs of Vitium’s child pursuit wave after wave as the ocean endlessly advanced and withdrew. The light sand was soft and seemed to want to slip away from under her. The girl decided that it bothered her. The young adult did not notice any girl or rock as she walked along the sandy line. Because of this lack of awareness, the girl that bounced out from her hiding spot caught Halo completely by surprise. At once, Halo had gone from her jump in surprise into an absolutely threatening pose. Those blistering white teeth shone at the younger girl, and Halo’s eyes seemed to spit fire. With every hair on her body erect, the already oversized coyote almost seemed to grow twice her own size. An angry bark sounded, and Halo withdrew her neck in a similar fashion to that of a snake.

”You bloody fuck!” she spat out, completely ignoring the girl’s question and good will. The little shit was trying to fuck with her? There was no way Halo would react well to such insolence. It mattered very little to her that the girl had not meant to cause such fuzz about it. Halo wanted to cause fuzz. She wanted a scapegoat that she could leash out at. The stranger girl did not smell strongly of Inferni at all, and was enough evidence to reveal that she was very fresh to these land and its coyote clan. ”What do you think you’re doing?” the girl growled out between ivory fangs, wondering what the girl’s name had been.


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