Woke up tonight and no one's here with me

ooc: --

Attila tried as he could not to run and harm his sibling. His rage was tangible, but he couldn't allow himself such a blasphemy. Thought her words smshed his selfcontrol, he'd never forgive himself if he ever harmed his sisters. His hadns formed fists in his crossed arms,the sharp claws digging through his skin, the pain almost matching with his anger.

He bit his tongue as well, but he had to say. Though his plans of having two personalities, he had to control himself. After some deep breaths, his eyes resting in the stars, he relaxed enough to be able to look at her and say "Sorry... If. My actions. Hurt you." He said, his voice stiff and breaking all the time, as he still struggled with the anger.

Of course, the sorrow and emptyness could have been forgotten in the moment, and for that, he was thankfulfor her. But when he spoke, it slowly faded, and the sadness came again. 'Crap!' He thought, fighting the excess of water in his eyes. It was too much... Too much... "Do... Do you know where Oce had gone?" He asked, failing completely when trying to look uninterested. Annoying. He glanced at her, trying to see her golden eyes in the mild dark.


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