a kid'll eat ivy too

xD yayyy

It was a pleasant day, but the standard of pleasant had changed since the transition from spring to summer. Pleasant once held a certain honor, it meant sky the color of her mother’s eyes, a breeze that she could describe as the lavender, color some say of her own gaze. Soft, subtle and just cool enough to kick the heat that lingered of the edges of her fur. Pleasant was clear light air, green grass that was dry sweet to the nose. Now, pleasant was all the things that the day wasn’t. it wasn’t raining, it wasn’t humid. There weren’t any clouds that clung low to the earth and created a hot fog that one needed to walk through. That was what Mati could call pleasant… It wasn’t gray.

To take advantage of the absence of gray the female would ask for a subject. She did this often, especially with the nature that surrounded the Manor. The young woman would seek out the beauty that was hidden in the world surrounding her and sit quietly and just simply ask. It wasn’t always audible, but the question was there. Her eyes would take in the shape of it, and her mind connected to hand wrapped around pencil would know if there was rejection of acceptance. If it agreed, she would draw, and the picture of her subject would come alive. But, if it said no her mind would not be able to work with the hand and pencil and the picture that came forth would look nothing like the thing she sat before. Not every subject would agree, no matter how hard she tried or how persistent she would be.

She took to the garden, for flowers were easy going and agreeable. They liked her company, and their colors were like candy to the fey’s artistic eye. They were better then the sunsets, better then the fall leaves of her puphood. Notepad in hand, pencils and Ambrose in her satchel the brown hued wolfess walked towards the garden and noticed a scent that was very familiar. Curious, and scepical the female walked slowly towards the garden, her eyes searching beyond the colors that they so desperately wanted to visit and study. Instead they looked for the dark. What they found was a sight the made the girl yell. “Gotham!” The little male wolf sat with a plant in his mouth, and Mati couldn’t understand why. “Out. Right now.” Her voice was lower, and she walked calmly up the little beast and looked at him with a hard gaze.


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