looking for a chance to stray
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... table_.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
thanks so much for starting! 370 words

It truly was a beautiful day, the sky a cerulean infinitely more brilliant than the dull grays that had been hanging around recently. The world around the little black pup was glowing with color, the viridian grass springing to life after the rains had nourished them. Gotham didn't take any interest in all these lovely colors though, his sapphire eyes instead captivated by a dragonfly that floated through the air, drifting from side to side sporadically. The boy had followed it from the flower garden he had found himself in earlier (what a wonderful place to find bugs!) and had paid absolutely no attention to where he followed it to. It was completely irrelevant where he was now, as long as the shimmery yellow insect was still before him.

His gaze stayed completely fixed on it, not even straying for a split second to make sure the path in front of him was clear. It was a little surprising that he didn't notice that there was an entire wolf laying not too far in front of him, especially since even though she was laying down the top of her head was about level with his, but the dragonfly had lifted itself higher into the sky and Gotham's eyes had followed it. Despite not seeing the female that was obstructing the path below the dragonfly, Gotham stepped over her. He was fairly careful in the steps he took, even though he was almost oblivious to the fact that it was actually someone he had just traversed, not just a stump or a hill, but since he was still quite small he made almost constant contact with her body as he crossed it. So intent on the dragonfly was he that he didn't realize it wasn't even someone he knew, either. How rude!

The dragonfly turned around on itself all of a sudden, and Gotham faithfully followed it. It flitted toward the female on the lawn, and all of a sudden the pup realized that she was there. And she seemed new to Crimson Dreams! Preoccupied, he yipped, "Oh, hie! Who are youuuu? Do ya like these big dragonflies?" He didn't even recognize that she was the obstacle he had encountered earlier.


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