catch the mist, catch the myth
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You guys wanna wrap up soon? Smile

Kansas didn't realize until his girl's face lit with excitement, her soft question bringing to light the knowledge that no one had answered her question at all. Perhaps he could leave it as a surprise, but that didn't seem right. He looked at her, shaking his head slowly. "Nah, it's not a surprise. It's just cold, soft white stuff that falls from the sky." He was aware that, no matter how well he explained it, Cambria wouldn't really know what snowfall was until she experienced it for herself. He recalled Moon telling him all about snow, and then later when the two of them played in it together, Kansas had been shocked out of his wits.

Cambria's caution made him feel like she must have had a bad experience with another kid, one he didn't know about. His brow rose; she didn't seem overly concerned, just wary. Kansas turned to Jefferson for his response, expecting that whatever he said would surely alleviate some of Cambria's fears. Perhaps Kansas was naive in thinking that all puppies were naturally innocent and nice. "'D you like that? To play with Addison sometime?" he asked his daughter, nosing her forehead as he held her. He looked toward Jefferson and shrugged casually.


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