a kid'll eat ivy too

he's CUTE!

Mati let the sketch pad drop from her hand, though the bag remained over her shoulder. Her purple eyes looked down at the little pup, who wasn’t exactly little anymore. They were getting bigger by the day, it seemed. They were still the little ones in her eyes, but not the plump bodies with little clumsy legs. Ear grew so large they just about gained sonar abilities, paws like saucers beneath a tea cup and when their legs would sprout they might as well be on stilts. Mati could remember, she had yet to venture too far from that phase in her life to forget or let the memories blur into one.

In honest she would have liked to watch the young boy, to see what he was planning on doing with the leaf that was held captive in his mouth. She loved to just watch them, see what they might be imagining or what game they had created. She was a Captain among the adults of her pack, a high officer, and needed to act like it. It was sad but Mati could no loner go off and play with secret friends that no one else saw, or act out scenes from a play she was reading or chase after her brother. She could play, yes, but only when she was playing with the puppies. Sometimes even her art got in the way of her responsibilities of hunting and patrols.

Taking her bag from her shoulder the woman placed it gently on the ground. Ambrose was inside and she would rather not let him be stabbed by one of the many pencils. He spoke, and she could not truly understand what he said, his small voice and the mumble that he gave confused the adult. She lowered her large form to the ground, a knee in the soft dirt. A smile graced her maw. She found that she held love for the little wolf, too great to allow him to eat a leaf from a garden that her mother tended, though displeasing Anu was not her greatest fear. She did not allow herself to watch and enjoy is adventures because not all plants were safe for little wolves.

“Little pups? Who’s Gotham?” She asked with an innocent tone. Lavender eyes looked at his face, her smile sweet and hoping to rectify the scolding that she had placed on him.


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