Beyond What I Know
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Okay, yeah, ^=^ And yes, it is nighttime, ^=^500+

        Suddenly, a voice called out from the darkness. It sounded friendly, but before the girl could answer in return, a gargantuan, shadowy shape materialized from the nighttime landscape. Amata gasped in surprise, her front legs pushing herself backwards but her back legs had refusing to respond. And when she realized that her body wasn’t going to go any farther back, the little girl simply froze, her eyes growing wide. Whats iss that? And why was it coming to get her. Fear seemed to explode in the pup’s mind, and she forgot about the stick that she had dropped that was now lying somewhere ahead. But she couldn’t retrieve it now—the huge shadow monster was probably stepping on it right now. And that thought brought dismay and sadness to the creamy pup. In the back of her mind where rational thought still occurred, she told herself that she could find another stick to run with—but that had been a very good stick. With the loss of her stick and the fear of the shadow monster having suddenly appeared, the Sadira pup emitted a whimper.

        Once the sound of the deep, heavy walking had ceased, the girl, who suddenly found herself cringing with her eyes closed, found the courage—and curiosity too—to slowly open her bi-coloured eyes and look up, her head craning back with the great height. The shadow monster’s hooves were practically upon her, but it seemed that it had stopped just short. Perhaps the shadow monster was looking at her now. But as Amata continued to look, she couldn’t decide where the head was—there seemed to be two!

        And then her eyes adjusted to the dark shapes that were darker than the darkened sky. The light-hued pup was able to see that there were two heads, but now that her eyes had adjusted for the darker darkness of the shapes, she could perceive the depth. And she definitely recognized the second head. A loud sigh of relief was breathed nosily from the young girl, and her body gradually relaxed. She gave a silly smile as she was able to stand, backing up several steps to better see that familiar shape. "Aunt Em-bur!" she exclaimed, and the relief was once again visible in her voice. A soft giggle, laced with a bit of nervousness, rose up through the darkness. "Yous scarded mes!" The small tail wagged nervously as she turned her bi-coloured gaze from her Aunt to the strange big, dark animal. "What iss that thing that yous are sittin’ on?" It certainly didn’t smell like a deer, and to make sure, she sniffed in that loud way. Nopes.

        "I’s camed heres to sees Oh-say-ann and No-war!" Her explanation was given automatically and cheerfully. "We’s friends and bestest friends in the world!" Maybe if she explained herself, Aunt Em-bur would know where to find them. But finding Aunt Em-bur was very exciting too. Suddenly, a different sound entered the conversation, and the sound had come from her stomach. With a soft gasp and a quiet giggle, Amata looked down at her stomach and urged it to be quiet with a loud and urgent, "Shhh!" Returning her wide-eyed gaze to the adult that was sitting on the big shadow monster, Amata said, "I’s hungry, I’s guess." And she was. She hadn’t really eaten anything all day, and for a puppy, that was a very long time to go without food. Getting to An’-Waya had taken much longer than she had thought.


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