Of the Bird of Spring
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... hist_t.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">


2008 ~ 2009

Merilin was born somewhere further north. Her father she hardly new, for he was gone often, coming rarely to drop extra food for them to eat. Her mother was someone with whom she had a close and special relationship. They never spoke much, but words were never much of a necessity when it came to the two of them. She also had an older brother who looked more like her father, darker. She did not have much of a relationship with her brother either, so her contact with males was limited. She learned to hunt from her mother; they would go off on their own to have their little hunting trips, their catches consisting primarily of small rodents. But that was enough to sustain her. Her brother often went on his own, like his father; perhaps they went together. Merilin was never sure.

One day, her father and her brother never came back. Merilin was still quite young, perhaps only about seven months old. Then the colder, harsher, winter months came and food was scarce, but they managed to survive, though they were often hungry and desperate. It was a cold and dark night when she woke to the sound of an ominous roar. Her mother had heard it too, apparently, for she, too, was awake now. It turned out to be a great, brown mass, much larger than both of them. Merilin knew that they should run, but her mother was insistant that she stand her ground and protect them. In the end, her mother fell, and Merilin took a blow before she ran off, falling into the ocean and washing up onto the shores with the skull-topped poles…



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