reluctantly waiting for you to interfere [p]
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ooc -

Another post from you, where he calls Savina, maybe? 353 words.

ic -

Her eyes widened near the end of what he had to say, ignoring everything else that had come out of her brother's mouth. Princess did not want to hear what he had to say, she did not want to be hurt by his sharp words again. It was too painful to think that he did not love her anymore, or at least, not as much as he could have. But, what did he mean by. . . He didn't have to fight her now? She dared not get her hopes up, but she could not help the situation. Princess was far too hopeful, now that he was beginning to breach the subject. Would this Savina really let her stay, when they all hated Tokyo? She had similar looks, though she was not completely identical. But, she smelled like Tokyo, and her last name was Chance. It did not seem all that likely that they would welcome her easily into their (hopefully friendly enough) pack.

Opening her mouth slowly, she stammered out the words that racked her brain, tugging and pulling at every string of her mind. "Could I. . . Could I really stay? I. . . I want to, Buttface. I mean, they don't let her," she muttered, her voice darkening as she referred to Tokyo. How easily her mind could be swayed, unfortunately. "They don't let her come here, for some reason or another. . . She's not allowed here. What if I'm not allowed here, either, because I'm her daughter, and I look and smell like her? Do they. . . Know who your mother is?" It had occurred to her that the leaders of the pack may or may not know that Buttface was related to the female from Dahlia de Mai that had done something bad enough to be forbidden to return. If they did know, did they regard him in a good light, or did their unhappiness with Tokyo carry over to him? Would it affect her, as well, if that was the case? She did not want to be considered bad because of her mother's actions.


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