Sunset, Moonrise

”Yes, Sir. Anderung Meer, at your services, Sir.” The amber wolf gave a slow nod as she moved closer to the wolf that was in the den. He was a decent sized brown male with some of the most brilliant green eyes Meer had ever seen. As she moved closer, she couldn’t help but glance at them every few seconds. Even though the voice inside her was screaming not to look at his eyes, she couldn’t help looking at the vivid emerald pools. The red wolf stopped a few paces away, dark ears flicking nervously. ”I am sorry that you are not yet recovered from your, err. Umm. What exactly happened, Sir?” The she-wolf looked down and shuffled her feet awkwardly. Meer had only heard that the alpha had been not well. Her violet eyes went distant as she began thinking. ’He sorta has a strange way of speaking, doesn’t he?’ Anderung was intrigued by the alpha’s strange accent. Of course, to him, she probably sounded like she had a strange accent.

"x-x I didn't realize it was all one big cave, sorry! o-o;;; Ah well. These are getting short-ish, sorry I give you absolutly nothing to go off of. o-o;;;."


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