Return of innocence
do not be embarassed! suchhh a cute av, btw. 373 words

Conor Soul. It was a good, strong name - Ares liked it. It was.. Irish, he thought? He had read some story about some Irishman named Conor, although he couldn't remember for the life of him what the story's name was, or even anything that had occurred in the course of its progression. The visible happiness on the puppy at the simple word of friend made Ares glad he had specifically included it, and somewhat less guilty about his earlier actions. The fox, though, seemed to be a sore subject, as Conor basically wilted at Ares' question. He had thought that maybe the younger boy would have liked to talk about it, as it was something he had brought up, but apparently Conor had either changed his mind or Ares had asked the wrong question.

For a brief moment, Ares irrationally wondered if it was his mother that had performed the action. It was an irrational consideration because it wasn't something Tokyo would do. Not because of the reasons that would stop any sane person - she wouldn't care about the poor creature's suffering, not one iota. She just wouldn't have any reason to take out the teeth. It wasn't like they were pretty enough for her to want to own them. Tokyo didn't ever seem to feel any guilt, but she wasn't casually cruel. Even when he had hurt Ares, she had always claimed some reason, feeble as they might have seemed to the poor tortured puppy. He had played with Princess' toys without permission. He had been talking too much. Or he had been too silent, and was obviously plotting some evil because of it.

But no; it wasn't her anyway. Conor confirmed that it had been a man who had performed the cruel deed. Despite the fact that this looked like a sore subject.. The younger boy was still speaking about it. And Ares was so terribly curious, curious what sort of villains Tokyo had befriended, what sort of evil people she had allied with, what sort of barriers he would have to avoid or preemptively take down to get to her... "Who did it?" Ares whispered, conspiratorially, keeping his voice low so that Conor could more easily reply in turn.

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