A Thorn in My Paw
http://digital-bonsai.com/katew/rp/char ... _tears.jpg); background-color:#0E141B; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:246px; padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px; padding-bottom:10px;">
It is such a cool language, though. xD I wish it was still spoken in some remote part of the world. Strange how something that was so very prevalent died out, but then again it was adopted into newer languages and there are still speakers (like you!) out there so it's not all the way buried. XD And I would assume it's okay that I powerplayed him picking her up, but paranoid Sie is paranoid and I wanted to make doubly sure and make this intensely long OOC message even longer. Big Grin

    He didn't know who Anu was, but Char assumed it might be another family member of Amata's. Maybe he'd get to meet them all? After all, he was escorting her home. He wondered how many wolves were in the pack that the youngster came from. If there were lots of them, it sure would make him happy. He was already getting excited thinking about meeting new faces and making more friends, though he'd be sure not to leave Amata behind in the excitement if it happened that they let him hang out for a while. "Maybe I could meet your family and your pack," he ventured, beaming even as he spoke. "Impressive," the big wolf gently corrected. "It's a tough word. Kinda like... amazing," he said thoughtfully, supposing that was the best way to put it.

    "Aw, don't worry. I'll read to you until you can do it yourself," he said, oblivious to the fact that he probably wouldn't be allowed to visit his newfound friend quite so freely. It simply didn't occur to him that a one-time pass for picking a thorn out of a kid's paw would expire, or perhaps it wouldn't be issued at all. He shrugged at her question, not knowing the answer. "I dunno. If he liked it a whole lot, probably not. But maybe if he was keeping it just till it got big enough to eat?" the man said, though he wasn't absolutely certain how humans viewed their companion animals. The small pale wolf took off, walking a bit and then stopping a ways from him, explaining her origins. Though he'd never heard of Crimson Dreams, the general direction ought to be enough. He took off after her, lumbering in his ungainly manner.

    "Alright, let's go!" he exclaimed softly, eager to follow. She stopped, considering his offer for a moment, and then decided against it. As quickly as that decision had come, though, the youngster stopped, looking back up at him and asking so very politely if he would help. Without a word, he began his shift, completing it relatively quickly as he was already a Secui. "You'll be way more comfortable this way," the pale canine said. He stood up on his hind legs, leaning down to scoop her up gently, taking care to avoid her injured paw. He tucked his arm underneath her belly, allowing her small form to rest in the crook of his big arm, supported by his other hand crossing in front of her to rest lightly on her ribs. He hadn't moved yet, and he looked down at her first, the grin not fading. "You okay?" he asked. He wanted to make sure she was alright before he started walking.


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