Inside her knitted sanctuary
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I frickin' love Urma

It had been raining an awful lot lately, and though it hadn't for a few hours the clouds in the sky still spoke of more rain to come. Alabastor wolf lifted her head to glance at them as she walked, noting their swirling patterns. She had seen pictures of different cloud formations in a book that she'd gotten from the library. If she could have, she definitely would have taken a picture of this. She had read about the picture-taking devices called cameras. Oh...what she would give for one of those.

She was approaching her shop when she saw a figure up in the distance, another white wolf. Cercelee? Or Pilot? She hadn't seen either of them in a while. The woman stopped, unsure of what to do. She should go up to them, of course...but she didn't know who it was. "Hello?" She called, coming a little bit closer. Maybe they would turn around so she could see their face.

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