She'll shake it all about!

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Sorry about this. >.<
Word count: 218, worth 0 points

Let me show you the wonders of life

The girl went absolutely perfectly still for several moments, her eyes taking Hanna in. Hanna had not known of Brennt; if she had she would probably have been more wary in approaching Noir for fear of scaring her. She said nothing as the girl took her in, her little ears folding back against her head. The dark woman was relieved when Noir seemed to accept her. Her tail started waving and then she spoke to Hanna, explaining what she was doing.

Dancing because she wanted the sun to come out? Hanna might have smiled if Noir's tone had not been so serious. She really believed in the power of dance to bring on the sun. Well, if it worked, if it stopped the infernal rain from falling, then who was she to doubt? Nodding, Hanna let her body begin to sway, her arms rising above her head. Her hips moved rhythmically, her feet making a small circle of prints in the damp earth below her. Now all they needed was a rhythm instrument!

Around any other audience, Hanna would have felt extremely self-conscious doing this dance, but for some reason, she was not. "Is this right, Noir? I'm Hanna, by the way." She smiled widely, feeling herself relax, the carefree movements relieving the stress of the past months.


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