Sunset, Moonrise
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You’re doing fine.

Etiquette and respect were fine but there was such a thing as overdoing it. Phoenix didn’t lead a dictatorship; Storm was more like an extended family and nobody was better than the other despite having a tiered rank system. Phoenix as the alpha needed to be given due respect but he didn’t require formality, especially from someone who was already an accepted member. “Well, Anderung, my first order as yoru alpha is t’stop actin’ like you’re afraid a’me. I won’t bite… unless you start trouble, but you don’t look like th’ type t’start trouble,” he said with a bit of a chuckle. He didn’t have so much an accent as a crude manner of speech, the side effect of having nobody to talk to but himself when he was a child. At first he’d hated his unrefined linguistic skills since they thought they made him sound stupid. But old habits were hard to break, and he knew it was the merit of the words he spoke that mattered, not the way they were spoken.

His green eyes focused right onto the female a moment, wondering if she was this high-strung around everybody or it was just him. He knew he was intimidating-looking but tried not to act that way amongst members of his pack. “Cougar attacked one of th’ pups,” he answered her query. “It cut me up pretty good an’ I hadda throw us both into th’ river t’ get it offa me. Th’ loss of blood an’ cold water made me sick… my daughter said it was called ‘pneumonia’ or somethin’ like that.” he sounded almost proud as he spoke. True, he had almost died, but he had managed to save Selene’s in the process. He would do the same for any member of his pack—including Anderung.

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