waiting and fading and floating away
http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a115/ ... t/rath.jpg); background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:9px; padding-left:50px; padding-right:50px; padding-bottom:306px;">
OOC: Out of character stuff goes hurr.

IC: Rath smiled as Ehno thanked him for his advice. At least he had gotten something out of that rambling speech that Rath had given. Rath hadn't even been sure he had understood half the stuff he had said. It had just come out like water flowing from a faucet. He listened as Ehno described some of the projects he had worked on, his ears perked in interest at the mention of toys. He made toys? That sounded fun. There were certainly numerous possibilities. Perhaps he would have to make some toys for Catalyst and her siblings that she had mentioned. Surely they would enjoy that.

___ "Yes, try and get them to where they feel like extensions of your hand," he commented on Ehno's statement that he would need to familiarize himself with his tools. The normally timid Dahlian was really beginning to enjoy this Italian wolf. He was certainly friendly and quite comfortable in conversation, something Rath admired. "Pardon my asking, Ehno, but do you mind if I work while we talk? I'm not sure when it will start raining again and I'd at least like to get this window out before then. That way, if worse comes to worst I can leave the window in a safe place here and come back later to carry it back home. Carrying anything around in the rain, is difficult. However, I find that glass is particularly troublesome to carry when it's wet. It gets so slippery that it's almost like it tries to jump out of your hands," Rath chuckled, his gooseberry hued gaze focusing on the male. He did not wish to be rude in anyway. In fact, he hoped that this conversation would continue for awhile. The ruddy hued male was simply wired to want to complete a task when he set his mind to it. He would drive himself crazy if he couldn't at least partially complete a task during a given day. Hopefully Ehno would understand.


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