Devil's playground

The bronze wolf breathed a sigh of relief as they both began speaking. Okay, nobody had been killed. That was a good start. It seemed, too, that they both could speak in a language he could understand, another definite plus. At any rate, though shaken up, even banged up to a degree, they seemed to be mostly alright. Still...I'm as lucky as they are. Don't know what I was thinking.

"I'm a wolf who lacks a good deal of sense," he said as he studied the rubble. He could have died in there trying to get them out, should have. Hell, by rights, even given my actions, that girl should be the only one who got out of this alive. That last wall should have fell on the boy and I. Was that luck, there, or fate? He blinked, deciding to put those thoughts off for another time. These young ones had to get reoriented for now, they'd been through a lot in the last few minutes. "Though, since 'senseless wolf' doesn't exactly appeal, you can call me Skoll."

Looking to the male, Skoll was curious too what had happened. Had it simply collapsed, or had they been doing something? He knew that human technology could knock down those structures, he had seen Izyx toying with some very dangerous chemicals and devices, but even those these two were coyotes like him, he knew that the awkward inventor's secrets were not common knowledge.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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