looking for a chance to stray

OOC: ::Word Count:: 500+

Urma let Gotham take the lead, watching him happily as he followed the dragonfly, so readily believing it might lead to others. The truth was, Urma did know where it was most likely to find them, but she doubted the dragonfly would actually fly there of its own accord, without having accomplished whatever it was it had set out to accomplish in the first place. More likely was it was just trying to get away from the attention, unaware of the fact that Gotham would not give up the chase so easily. However, Urma took pleasure in seeing the small pup so involved in their quest, and made a mental note to tell Savina how adorable he was and congratulate her on successfully carrying and delivering a healthy litter. The thought remained in her mind a while as she followed Gotham, keeping an eye on him not to stumble, as he was paying little attention to anything else but his winged friend. She thought whether she'd ever see the day she could have her own puppies. She wondered how her life would be then. It was, however, early to think of that-- there was no use in tormenting herself with thoughts of maybe, one day, being the one to raise Pilot's offsprings.

The dragonfly seemed to be keen on leading them in the right direction, its wings beating against the wind undeterred, and they had followed its course close to Rabbit Lake, where Urma had intended to arrive sooner or later anyway. The lake came into view over the tall grass, and she knew it was near impossible not to find any dragonflies around, seeing as on every occasion she had had to come anywhere near the lake, she had always spotted a few hiding between the dense vegetation and the water edge. Suddenly, the dragonfly veered off course and flew higher, in the direction the sun was coming from, making itself impossible to spot, given you would be staring directly into the sun. Urma stood on edge a few seconds, scanning the sky around them, but all to no avail. She had failed to see where the dragonfly had gone to. Decided not to let this sadden Gotham, she said, "Well, it seems it only wanted to show us where it came from, but not introduce us to its family and friends. But we've come so far, and the other ones have already seen us, so it would be just rude not to introduce ourselves personally, wouldn't it?" She raised a paw to indicate the lake's edge, where, beyond the expanse of grass, flickered a few specks of colours. "What do you say, then? First one to the dragonflies wins?" She made a few hasty steps foward, in a pretend sprint to encourage Gotham to run the small distance towards the lake. It wasn't a long way to the edge of Rabbit Lake, and she knew it wouldn't take Gotham long to get there, nor tire him out. "Just be careful not to slip in the lake, okay?"


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