set things right


She saw him flinch under her words and was a little surprised. Did he think she was going to strike him? True, a part of her wanted to, but she was holding herself back. She was doing her best to handle this situation with words instead of action. As much as her maternal urges wanted revenge, her logic was winning out at the moment. The Commander was giving him a chance. Though when he exclaimed that he didn't lie her fur bristled and the growl in her chest deepened. Savina said nothing in response. The growl was a warning for him to keep his head about him. She was already on edge and if he started reacting badly then her instincts might overtake her mind. The youth was on very thin ice.

Then finally he shared his side of the story. Her face did not change or soften, but she was incredibly confused. When Tokyo had harmed Amata it was clear she had known she had done something wrong, even when she was trying to cover her tracks. But it was clear that everything Ares was saying he truly believed. The boy really did not think he had done anything wrong. Then a thought occurred to the woman. Perhaps physical lessons were the only lessons he had ever been given. Maybe that really was all he knew. She released a heavy sigh and shook her head. "That is not the way you teach a child, Ares." Some of the anger was gone from her voice, but it was still strong under the surface. "If they do something wrong you verbally scold them, you tell them what they did wrong. You do not strike or bite them. If that's how your mother taught you isn't it obvious it's not right?" He had said he held no love for his dame, so why would he think her methods were correct?

"You teach pups with patience and understanding, not with violence and fear."


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