Sunset, Moonrise

[Image: anderungtablebelltower.png]

I Speak this, I

dream this, and I 'think'


You "said this"

ooc; Yay ^^ Slightly longer. Getting a feel for it, at last.


Anderung suddenly noticed the growing darkness and glanced outside. She was right, and the sun was sinking farther down below the horizon. The she-wolf turned back to Phoenix. Both of her ears flicked back as he spoke to her, violet eyes looking down after he had finished for a moment. Then, she flicked her eyes back up, a small amount of fire burning in them. ”I am not afraid of you, Sir!” Anderung stated rather loudly. Realizing what she had done, she lowered both ears and tucked tail slightly, looking away. ”It’s just, I’m not very trusting, Sir, of male-beasts. When I was young… my father…” Meer looked slightly deflated as she tried to bite back tears that were coming forth as she recalled the past. She didn’t quiet feel comfortable telling everyone her troubles, not yet. They might pity her and she didn’t want to be a trouble to anyone.

Meer lifted her head as the alpha spoke again, her eyes becoming wide. ”A cougar, Sir? I’ve heard stories about cougars! Great terrible beasts that they are, all muscle and sinew, big claws and teeth, could easily kill a young wolf. You must be very strong to attack one, Sir!” Anderung felt a bit more comfortable with this tale. Just imagine; a cougar! Huge cats that had terrible yellow eyes. Meer shuddered as she thought about the image she had in her mind, even though she had never seen a live one. Anderung studied Phoenix’s face. ”You have brilliant eyes, Sir.” The she-wolf stated quiet suddenly. If she had been a human she would have clapped her hands over her mouth. She looked rather embarrassed and put back her ears.


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